CCA Activities

With currency in circulation touching new highs, security and risks in cash transport to branches and ATMs and also cash aggregating activities at large business establishments have emerged as the key concerns for the regulators. CCA, as the SRO of the cash management industry plays a vital role in setting up an audit framework to monitor the compliant services of its members and also work as an intermediary between the industry – comprising a number of MSME players as well- and the regulator in addressing various concerns.

CCA has empaneled with Audit Firms of International repute to conduct timely audits of all the CCA members on multiple parameters like – Accreditation Certification of Crew Members, Cash Vans, Vaults, Routes etc.

The process through which CCA has devised the audit, challenges the robustness of the internal controls and processes that CCA members have in place, giving an external perspective and valuable feedback.

CCA engages regulators and stakeholders on evolving norms and standards in the Currency Management Industry.

     Training Module for Currency Management Activities-

    • CCA Designs and develops training programs as a pre-cursor to Currency Management Companies employment. The training module covers all the technical aspects of a crew member’s job.
    • CCA has recommended 16 Hours of Classroom training for all ATM Custodians, CIT Custodians, DSB Custodians, General Custodians, Drivers, and Armed / Security Guards.
    • Apart from the Classroom Training, certain hours of On The Job Training for each of the six categories has also been prescribed.
    • The Training module that has been prepared is very exhaustive and covers topics from the scope of work for each category of the crew members to the First Incident Reporting procedure.

    Once sufficient Classroom and On the Job Trainings have been given to a set of staff of the member companies, they individually intimate this to CCA and a schedule of Employee Accreditation Tests is drawn accordingly for each category of the crew staff.

    CCA has administered Direct staff skills & capabilities Accreditation tests for over 60,000 candidates across the employees of its 8 CRA members in 6 categories viz. ATM Custodian, CIT/ DCV Custodian, CPD/ DSB Custodian, General Custodian, Driver and Armed Guard as on date. This comprises the crew of a cash van.

    The test papers have been designed in Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Bangla, Punjabi, Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil & Telugu.

    Tests are being conducted across all states and union territories of the country.

    An independent invigilator from CCA is sent at all centres to administer these tests.

    Once the tests are conducted, results are evaluated at CCA and shared with the HRs of the participant member companies. Thereafter, CCA issues the Employee Accreditation E- Certificates for the successful candidates.

    CCA has created a common database platform for its members. This platform has been built with added security wherein different types of data-sets are being uploaded, upended, modified and updated by our CRA / CIT members.

    This platform also helps in maintaining the safe-hire module that ensures the recruitment of candidates with no past history of any fraudulent activity. This module enables to maintenance and update the Data pertaining to dismissed employees on grounds of any fraudulent activities.

    CCA conducts quarterly meetings with Reserve Bank of India and apprises them of the developments, status of non-compliant entities and all other important matters pertaining to the currency management industry.

    Regular updates are taken from the currency management companies on the compliance checklist and they are being shared with RBI from time to time.